About Us

UniDance Tampere ry

UniDance is the official dance organization of Tampere University, Tampere Technical University and Tampere Polytechnic! We are founded in 2014, and any student or staff member of these higher education institutes can join our activities. UniDance welcomes all domestic and international students to the world of dance! Check out the UniDance board of 2022 here.

Around the year UniDance performs in various events on and off-campus, participates dance competitions, organizes open dance courses every semester and puts together amazing shows and events. For all international students we warmly recommend our popular dance courses! They are organized both in Finnish and in English. In UniDance we mainly dance show, jazz and street dance, but on our dance courses we occasionally take on something else as well, for example commercial dance, ballet or voguing.

UniDance performing groups are for all Finnish-speaking students and staff members with some previous dance experience. Our organization is based on independence and group spirit: we create our content entirely ourselves. We design our own practices and choreographies, and maintain the organization with student power!

Along the years UniDance has been performing in countless events, parties and congresses. You or your organization can have us perform in your event – what, when and where, you name it! We tailor our performances according to your venue and event. We have a strong background in different types of dance, so we can entertain any kind of event with our performances!

In addition to dance courses and performances, we organize flash mobs and different events on campus. In 2017 and 2019 we put together a Valentine’s Day Event, bringing people together on Valentine’s day in the Main lobby at the city center campus of University of Tampere. We have also organized two huge dance showcase nights where we perform all our choreographies. The last one was in December 2017, UtaDance Christmas Gala. Who knows what’s coming up next!


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